IMechE Technical Visit to The University of Sheffield’s LVV facility
LVV Events
This event took place 5 years ago

This event provides a unique and exciting opportunity to visit the newly opened University of Sheffield's Dynamics Research Group (DRG) Structural Dynamics Laboratory for Verification and Validation (LVV).
The LVV is a major new acoustics and vibration testing facility funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the University of Sheffield. The facility provides a unique research offering to academia and industry. In addition to allowing dynamic testing of full-scale structures in ambient laboratory conditions, the LVV offers the opportunity to test substantial structures, sub-structures and components in realistic environments.
Speaker: Dr Rob Barthorpe MEng PhD CEng MIMechE FHEA - Dynamics Research Group, University of Sheffield
Visitors will have the opportunity to tour the facility and learn of the current and planned research work being carried out on site.
Booking is essential as numbers are limited.
This is the IMechE annual Peter Harrison Memorial Event.