Welcome to the LVV

The University of Sheffield's Structural Dynamics Laboratory for Verification and Validation (LVV) is an £11m environmental and vibration testing facility funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the University of Sheffield. The facility provides a unique offering to academia and industry. In addition to allowing dynamic testing of full-scale structures in ambient laboratory conditions, the LVV offers the opportunity to test substantial structures, sub-structures and components in realistic environmental conditions.

Led by the Dynamics Research Group (DRG) in the University’s School of Mechanical, Aerospace & Civil Engineering, the laboratory offers significant benefits across a range of industrial sectors including energy, aerospace, automotive, renewables and civil engineering.

Landscape Three Centres (LVV, RTC, iCAIR) -  [94: LVV Events/Landscape Three Centres (LVV, RTC, iCAIR)] Full LVV Overview from Mezzanine -  [120: LVV Events/Full LVV Overview from Mezzanine] IMechE logo -  [106: LVV Events/IMechE logo] Diamond Building Image 2 -  [72: LVV Events/Diamond Building Image 2] Tap Test - Industrial Modal Testing Workshop -  [87: LVV Events/Tap Test - Industrial Modal Testing Workshop]